Well-Being at Home: Utah Bedroom Design

How to design a bedroom to increase your well-being in Utah

Our mission at Bluerock is to design homes that promote your well-being. Your home is meant to serve you, not the other way around. In this post, we are exploring different ways that your bedroom can enhance your overall well-being and help you relax.


Proper exposure to natural light during the day can help regulate your circadian rhythm and improve your sleep quality. Ensure your bedroom receives adequate daylight by incorporating larger windows or strategically placing mirrors to reflect light. Incorporate mood lighting with dimmer switches, wall sconces, or lamps to create a tranquil ambiance, perfect for winding down before sleep. During nighttime, blackout curtains can create the ideal sleeping environment by blocking out external light sources.

Calming Colors

Color psychology plays a role in your emotional well-being. Choose calming and soothing colors like soft blues, muted greens, or neutral tones for your bedroom walls to help you relax when you are going to bed and remain calm upon waking. View this guide from Studio McGee for a list of helpful paint color suggestions.

Ergonomic Design

Your bedroom layout should promote relaxation and comfort. Arrange your furniture to maximize space and minimize clutter. Make the position of your bed the first priority when arranging the furniture in your room. When possible, avoid placing your bed close to a door as this may evoke feelings of insecurity, and try not to position it under a window because of drafts and noises. You should also have plenty of room to walk around your bed without any obstructions. Ergonomic elements like adjustable bed frames and comfortable seating are other minor improvements that can greatly enhance your overall well-being.

Declutter and Organize

A clutter-free space encourages mental clarity and reduces stress. Not only can objects on the floor be a trip hazard when trying to navigate your room in the dark, but they can also be a fire hazard. Clutter can block doorways and windows, making leaving a home very difficult. Boxes, paper, clothing, and other items are extremely flammable and will add fuel to a fire. Regularly declutter your bedroom by organizing your belongings, decluttering what you no longer need, and keeping personal items out of sight.


A peaceful environment is essential for restful sleep. Soundproofing your bedroom can significantly reduce noise disturbances from outside or other parts of your home. Consider adding sound-absorbing materials, such as acoustic panels, carpets, and heavy curtains, to create a quieter atmosphere. Before buying or building a house, keep in mind its proximity to busy roads or airports and how you might need to soundproof your home to minimize the noise.

Improve Indoor Air Quality

Indoor air quality has a direct impact on your health. Enhance the air in your bedroom by:

  • Installing an air purifier with HEPA filters to remove airborne allergens and pollutants.

  • Properly ventilating the room by opening windows or using a ventilation system.

  • Choosing non-toxic paints and finishes for walls and furniture to minimize off-gassing of harmful chemicals.

Greenery and Aromatherapy

Plants can additionally improve air quality and create a calming atmosphere in your bedroom. Consider adding low-maintenance indoor plants like snake plants or lavender for their soothing aroma. Aromatherapy diffusers with essential oils like lavender, chamomile, or eucalyptus can also promote relaxation.

calming primary bedroom

Your bedroom should be a haven that promotes your health and well-being. By being conscious of your environment, you can create a space that supports restful sleep, reduces stress, and enhances your overall quality of life. If you're ready to transform your bedroom, Bluerock is here to help you turn your vision into reality. Sweet dreams and a healthier, happier you await in your newly improved bedroom.

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Michelle Harris

I'm a Utah-based designer, inspired by minimalism and slow living. With nearly a decade of experience under my belt, I've earned a reputation for my keen eye for detail.

My mission? Take design off your plate, so you can focus on what really matters to you and your business. Ready to refine your brand? Let's do this!


Well Being at Home: The Art of Mindful Living Room Design


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